Saint Rose of Lima

Parish Finances

The Parish Finance Council
Everything we do at St. Rose of Lima Parish depends on the generosity of our members. The Parish Finance Council is established to assist the Pastor in promoting the financial health of the Parish and assuring accountability. Its members provide input and review of the annual Parish budget and periodic financial statements, review internal controls and procedures, and assist in planning for the temporal needs of the Parish.
The Parish Finance Council is established according to the following norms:
1. It should be of no less than three, and not more than nine members who are chosen based on demonstrable skills or expertise in managements, finance, and accounting.

2. No Parish employee or relative of the Pastor may serve on the Parish Finance Council. It is also recommended that no member should serve at the same time as a closely related person (e.g. husband and wife, parent and child)

3. There should be a Chairperson and Secretary. The Pastor will appoint the Chairperson after a period of discernment. The Secretary is responsible for recording and distributing the minutes of the meetings and notifying the members of upcoming meetings.

4. Parish employees are not members of the Parish Finance Council, but should support it. They should be available to answer questions regarding parish life, financial reporting and internal controls. The Parish Business Manager should attend meetings in a consultative, non-voting capacity.

5. Members are to be appointed by the Pastor for fixed terms to be determined at the local level, and may be reappointed or terminated by the Pastor at his sole discretion.

Parish Staff
Fr. Celestine Nwakwuo, OP - Pastor

Members of the Parish Finance Council
Norm Basso (Chair)
Joe Braun
Paul Flaherty
Rick Glass
Frank Iati
Jeff Sentz
Lee Woodmansee